Code Of Ethics

In today’s rapidly evolving media landscape, the role of citizen reporters and professional journalists is crucial in providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information to the public. However, with this privilege comes the responsibility of adhering to a set of ethical guidelines that ensure integrity, transparency, and accountability in their work. The Code of Ethics serves as a moral compass for both citizen reporters and professional journalists, outlining the expected standards of behavior and professional conduct. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Code of Ethics and the consequences that may be faced by individuals who fail to uphold these ethical standards.

The Importance of the Code

The Code of Ethics plays a vital role in maintaining the credibility and trustworthiness of the BBMA NEWS of India, as well as the journalism profession as a whole. By adhering to a set of comprehensive ethical guidelines, citizen reporters and professional journalists strive to provide objective and accurate news coverage, thereby upholding the fundamental principles of journalism.

Upholding Integrity and Objectivity

One of the primary tenets of the Code of Ethics is to uphold integrity and objectivity in reporting. This means presenting information fairly, without personal bias or influence. Citizen reporters and professional journalists must maintain independence from any external pressures that may compromise the truthfulness and impartiality of their work. By doing so, they ensure that the public receives reliable and unbiased news reports.

Ensuring Accountability and Transparency

Another fundamental aspect of the Code of Ethics is the emphasis on accountability and transparency. Citizen reporters and professional journalists have a responsibility to verify the accuracy of their sources and present information in a truthful manner. By doing thorough research, fact-checking, and attributing sources appropriately, they ensure that their work is accountable and transparent to their audience.

Protecting the Public Interest

Citizen reporters and professional journalists have a duty to the public, as they play a vital role in keeping society informed. The Code of Ethics recognizes this duty and promotes reporting that serves the public interest. This means covering topics of significant importance while being mindful of the potential impact of their news reports. By prioritizing the public interest, citizen reporters and professional journalists contribute to a well-informed society.

Consequences of Violating the Code

While the Code of Ethics sets the expectations for conduct, it is essential to have mechanisms in place to address violations. The BBMA NEWS of India has established a system to handle cases where a member, whether a citizen reporter or professional journalist, violates the Code of Ethics.

Presentation to the Executive Board

If an individual is suspected of violating the Code of Ethics, their case is presented to the executive board for a hearing. This provides an opportunity for the member to be heard and present their defense. The executive board carefully reviews the case, considering all relevant factors and evidence before reaching a decision.

Issuance of Warning

In cases where a serious violation is proven, the executive board has the authority to issue a warning to the member. This serves as a strong reminder of the importance of adhering to ethical standards and signifies the severity of the violation. The warning alerts the member to the need for immediate corrective action and reinforces the commitment to upholding the principles of journalism.

Expulsion from BBMA NEWS

If a violation of the Code of Ethics is repeated or of an egregious nature, the executive board reserves the right to expel the member from the BBMA NEWS of India. This decision is made by a simple majority vote, taking into account the severity of the violation and its potential impact on the credibility and reputation of the organization. Expulsion serves as the most serious consequence for violating the Code of Ethics, as it reflects a breach of trust and a failure to uphold the core principles of journalism.


The Code of Ethics serves as a guiding light for citizen reporters and professional journalists, ensuring that they maintain the highest standards of integrity, objectivity, and accountability. By upholding the Code, these individuals contribute to the quality and credibility of news reporting, ultimately benefiting the public and the journalism profession as a whole. Violations of the Code are taken seriously by the BBMA NEWS of India, with consequences ranging from warnings to expulsion. Embracing the principles outlined in the Code of Ethics is essential for fostering a media environment that values truth, fairness, and the public interest.